Co_creation a la LYNDSEY

@ L I M B O




In between Earthaven and Kripalu I stop in New York. Funny choice; I am a connoisseur of high contrast. From off the grid to gridlock: fast furious wonderful horrible intense fascinating empty. Observe the difference. Freak out!! Observe. Freaks! Homo sapien means a million things. I love us. We terrify me too.

Hello lone tree atop a high rise: keep it real! On the Highline I fondle every shrub, herb, and tendril I can. Keep on you guys are doing amazing work! Precious missionaries to the concrete jungle…. Strange city, you breed different creatures, the kind with their eyes down. Brother? Sister? Breathe stagnant air, get fast from here to there. Dodge. Rush. Do. In the near-complete absence of green, the people are the plants here. I might could fall in love with just that for fauna, we are wild flowers for sure. I love watching – I saw more people in five minutes than I did in two months!

But inevitably must we starve, so cut off from our big web of other species? Can we really thrive as whole people in cities?




I be with my darling friend I love who seems utterly starved for true attention, obsessing mental knots that rush around her skull like angry footsteps missing subways never arriving on time on time. BusyNess. NextBigThing. Starving. Sweetheart, let’s really talk, wanna? Can I just hold you? ←——–GUSH———→

Is the water safe to swim in? Who says? Litter. Clutter.

But a day at Rockaway is solace, perfect, sun. Yes, but. But, and. . . .




We go see art shows: cactus penis, horny clowns, vapid empty, sagging sucking, uh oh. My belly goes: This — This — this is what grasping is. This is what hole-in-the-soul believes to be foreplay? Vampire, liquidate, down-on-luck, sucked dry. Friday night fun? Really? Dear gesticulating strangers, I sort of want to dump your free wine, massage your greasy forehead, kiss your big fat third eyes, cradle, coo. Oh baby you…….. you have what you need.

Unstrap this excess.

Dump the posturing.

Come out from under all that.

I think of my sweet MedWheel housemate’s posture — when she first arrived to the country from NYC, dark sunglasses, arms crossed, forced quick smile. A week in and a wave of love later: eyesbright, tendrils sweaty at her neck, blue eyes chiming, fresh sweet potato pie smiling in her oven mitts. Pure laughter, allowed.

Oh Lyndsey. High horse, down. Just because one is good doesn’t make one bad. City? Country? Both. Neither. Notice, Learn. Here. There. Everywhere. Present. Just so Hungry-for-the-pattern-of-our-please-now-can-we-Shift-It. Why struggle when we have the keys. Please, Something universal that sustains our Earth and us equally. Let it emerge, let it be complex and simple, let it in its own time for each path. You do not have to act for all of life just ask and act for you. Ripple effect, trust.




I send light to my sweet bizarre STL street warrior brothers, escapees of thug life, tender-hearted African-American Cherokee teens who study up on mysticism and practice astral travel, chaining crystals to their chakras and sidewalk-freestyling their truth. Uniiimo! Rocket Red! Keep the faith, you hybrid star children! Grow up in between the gravel, and soon I will see you soon.




I do math problems. The world has seven billion creatures. Is it a sacrifice or a gift for me to choose to be childless in this time and place? Wanna let’s have a year of pause on making new creatures while we tidy up the planet? Dear human teens and twenties: please use at least half your beer money on something else. Please use at least half your bar time on something that nurtures you. Crunch the numbers, look at the charts. Our poverty line is the rest of the world’s glass ceiling.




Fuck wanting more,

fuck fame,

fuck diamonds,

fuck your five year old’s fucking ipod,

fuck the structures cemented in place that convince us to give our power away and away.

Fuck the red carpet.


Baby,   G R E E N   m e a n s   G O →→→→→


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(mother      may    I     yes      you     may)

These are some thoughts the city time gave me.

Thank you city time.

3 Responses to @ L I M B O

  1. Antonio Williams says:

    Hey Lindsey! After reading the section that had much to do with my background I wondered, and realized that when I was very young my mom told me I had cherokee in my blood. Being young I thought nothing of it but it appears that you may know more about my background than I do. You are freaking awesome and the book awesome! You have inspired me to embrace myself more than ever. I can’t wait to learn more about me. I intend to attend your camp who knows when but because I know I intended it it shall be. It’s weird that you know about the astral traveling thing. How? Ive never
    Met another African American who has done it. They look at me like yeah right. I’m so glad you know of this mystical place and believe me. I also have many crystals that I love especially Amyethst which is also my birthstone. I can’t wait to learn And practice more. I have so many questions and things to talk about. Super love always!
    P.S. is ascending apart of this game because my innards are going NUTS!!! Lol

  2. hoop rider says:

    i grew up in seattle. riding a bike with abandon on those streets is one of the joys i miss now that i live in the country. the island i live on is special in it’s own ways. one very special thing the human ‘creatures’ do here is wave to everyone they pass on the street, whether in a car or walking. sometimes the action becomes dry with repetition, but often there is a pleasant feeling of mutual kindness exchanged.
    when i go to seattle now, after living on this island for some time, at first i have the impulse to acknowledge everyone i see this way. the smile and wave performed out of habit gets a confused look in the city. the habit reverts pretty quickly when i notice that the great majority of people are trying not to connect with each other, as if it is dangerous.

    there is an important difference between the world of connection and the world of disconnection. i choose connection.

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About me
Educated as a painter, learning as a yogi, and playful as a baby monkey: I am a willing human being __ emphasis on the Be. I am traveling-learning, designing projects to feed my inquiries while attracting adventures and connecting with tribes that grace my journey with experiential wisdom in creative healing and joyful sustainability. My passions are catalyzing radically simple + beautiful + fun intentional community, sparking spontaneous collaborative singing and dancing, acroyoga, permaculture, and loving children.