Co_creation a la LYNDSEY

St. Louis Language Immersion School

SLLIS/ I taught Art in Spanish to kindergarden and first graders during the 2009-2010 school year at this new charter school. I also taught the before-school yoga program, which was the joy of my year.

Highlights extracted from notes home: So far this year we’ve been exploring art we share with the public — long colorful chains and flags to brighten the zydeco show,  the Houses for Haiti project that raised over $1600!, and now beautiful bursting gardens of tissue-paper tulips around the halls.  We’ve also had a chance to explore new media, making art for ourselves – we watercolored heart creature Valentines and sculpted and fired pinch pots from clay.    During 2nd semester, we made  ‘mixed media’ sculptural creations that involved more steps – giving us practice at listening and following directions.  Cray-pa still lifes with healthy-grains glued on baskets became beautiful cornucopias; mosaic-paper cardboard tubes and tissue became lantern sculptures.  We also got to paint like crazy, a starry sky backdrop for our Posadas party. All classes contributed to make a permanent mark in the school by coloring mandalas that were pasted into a vibrant mural near the lunchroom. We also created beautiful parade banners and ribbon wands to participate in the “People’s Joy Parade” at Cinco de Mayo!  After these public art collaborations, we spent time in “Taller Abierto” (Open Studio) exploring free choice time with various 2D and 3D supplies.

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About me
Educated as a painter, learning as a yogi, and playful as a baby monkey: I am a willing human being __ emphasis on the Be. I am traveling-learning, designing projects to feed my inquiries while attracting adventures and connecting with tribes that grace my journey with experiential wisdom in creative healing and joyful sustainability. My passions are catalyzing radically simple + beautiful + fun intentional community, sparking spontaneous collaborative singing and dancing, acroyoga, permaculture, and loving children.