Our group journal recorded daily mileage, anecdotes & antics, as well as imaginary bios for all the superheroes.
Accidents as windows to miracles: my green wig caught in the trailer spoke opened a serendipitous conversation with a gallant passing stranger who became our angel for the next three days....
Waking up to Nature! Our favorite campsite where Ranger Bill told campfire stories and greeted the morning with fresh coffee and nature walks.
During December 2010, I was blessed to ride with an amazing crew of humans on the Superheroes Annual Haul of Justice. The mission of my character the SerendipiTease?? “I enjoy being in the right place at the right time with a smile that beams your brightness right back at you! I speak and sing the truth in love, and powerflirt with the entire universe with acroyoga, honesty, and compassionate touch.” . Here’s a full account. Pictures courtesy of SuperStretch – thanks!