Born into Color: an Installation at The Community Arts and Movement Project, July 2010
The show, during CAMSTL’S Open Studios 2010, included paintings, drawings, and sculptures created during project residency at CAMP from April 2009-June 2010 when I lived and volunteered as the Events & Outreach Coordinator. My residency goals were to broaden my perspective, grow relationships with local families, and find ways to support health. I facilitated neighborhood potlucks, held drawing nights, wrote grants, weeded community gardens, created interactive murals, listened door-to-door, and alongisde Sarah Paulsen’s leadership, helped to start up the PEOPLES JOY PARADE – a joyful dancing-in-the-streets processional full of simple celebration. Cayree Dobsch and I created “Gracespace” – an art/yoga program for local pre-teens. CAMP taught me about staying centered and self-nurtured while opening to be present to the worlds within worlds of wherever you are.