Co_creation a la LYNDSEY

Pure Land

Here’s a page from my diary.  Don’t laugh… you have a diary too, don’t you?

The “pure land / my heaven my home” rif comes from a round that Grace taught us during YTT.  It came to memory and welcomed me home, like the long walks in the bare fields did, for this summer-swadhyaya-sabbatical in my hometown.  What to grow?

Desire cracks the stiff hull of these seeds that wants to sprout.  Aint no shame in it. #beginnersmind

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About me
Educated as a painter, learning as a yogi, and playful as a baby monkey: I am a willing human being __ emphasis on the Be. I am traveling-learning, designing projects to feed my inquiries while attracting adventures and connecting with tribes that grace my journey with experiential wisdom in creative healing and joyful sustainability. My passions are catalyzing radically simple + beautiful + fun intentional community, sparking spontaneous collaborative singing and dancing, acroyoga, permaculture, and loving children.